Many of our members' number one financial ambition is buying a home. For some, owning a home seems like an unattainable dream, 但我们在这里帮助您认识到这是可以实现的,并指导您找到最适合您的解决方案. 我们随时准备帮助您实现您的目标,从第一步,直到关闭和超越. 为了帮助你分解这个过程,这里有一些对首次购房者的基本建议.

Assess Your Finances

在你开始找房子之前,仔细看看你的财务状况. 通过评估你的收入、支出和现有债务来确定你的预算. 这样做会让你对你能在房子上花多少钱有一个现实的想法. It is important to talk to a mortgage specialist 在你开始找房子之前,因为他们可以帮助你更好地了解你的预算选择. 你不希望找到一个家,却发现它超出了你的预算, or have it sold before you get to put in an offer. To get a general idea of what a monthly payment will look like, use our free mortgage quote tool.

Save for a Down Payment

Start saving for a down payment well in advance. While not necessary with low and no money down options, 较高的首付款可以获得较好的抵押贷款条件和较低的月供. If possible, aim for at least 20% of the home purchase price.

Check Your Credit Score

你的信用评分在获得有利的抵押贷款利率方面起着至关重要的作用. Check your credit score and work on improving it if needed. Pay off outstanding debts, avoid opening new credit accounts, and ensure your credit report is accurate. Here at Arbor Financial, we offer free credit checkups 帮助你了解你的信用,学习如何让它为你工作,并提高它.

Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

获得抵押贷款的预先批准是购房过程中至关重要的一步. 它可以让你清楚地了解你可以借多少钱,并帮助卖家认真对待你的报价. Talking to a mortgage specialist could help you better understand your options, 他们可以回答您在申请预批准时可能遇到的任何问题.

Get Pre-approved with Arbor

Define Your Priorities and Research Neighborhoods

Identify your must-haves and deal-breakers when it comes to a home. 考虑以下特点:地点、大小、设施和入住后需要做的工作. Knowing your priorities will streamline your search and save you time. It is also important to research potential neighborhoods thoroughly. 调查一下:安全、学校、设施、HOA和未来发展计划. 花点时间去参观你感兴趣的社区,感受一下这个社区.

Work with a Real Estate Agent

一个合格的房地产经纪人可以是你在购房过程中最大的资产. 他们了解市场,可以代表你谈判,并指导你完成文书工作. Choose an agent who understands your needs and priorities. Having an agent can also help you with tip three. If you don’t know where to start looking for an agent, many of our mortgage originators have relators they partner with, making the process even easier for you.

Consider Additional Costs

除了购房价格,还有与购房相关的额外成本. Remember to factor in closing costs, property taxes, homeowners insurance, and potential maintenance expenses. Being aware of these costs will prevent any financial surprises. Best practice recommends accounting for 7-10% of these costs.

Home Inspection is Key

一旦你找到了你感兴趣的房子,就进行一次深入的房屋检查. An inspection will help uncover any potential issues with the property, 给你机会协商维修或重新考虑你的决定. It is never a good idea to skip the inspection!

Don't Rush the Decision

Take your time when making such a significant investment. Don't feel pressured to decide quickly. Consider all aspects of a home before making an offer, and be patient in finding the right one for you. 与你的房地产经纪人密切交谈,以确保你正在为你做出最好的决定. Don’t be afraid to work on negotiations with your realtor. Be prepared to compromise, but also be firm on your priorities.

Understand the Closing Process

熟悉结束面试的流程,避免在最后一刻出现意外. 确保你理解你正在签署的所有文件,如果有不清楚的地方就问问题. A smooth closing is the final step to officially becoming a homeowner. Here at Arbor, our mortgage loan originator 将与您和您的房地产经纪人密切合作,将是一个伟大的结束, helpful contact person.

Think Long-Term

Consider your long-term plans when selecting a home. 想想你未来的生活方式、家庭成长和潜在的职业变化. 选择一个与你未来目标一致的家可以让你在几年内不必再次搬家,并确保你在一段时间内住在你的梦想之家. If you want to buy a home and feel you may move in a few years, consider talking to your mortgage specialist about an ARM mortgage.

Celebrate Responsibly

一旦你成功地关闭了你的新家,负责任地庆祝一下. Avoid making major financial decisions or taking on additional debt. 花点时间去适应你的新家,并逐渐进行必要的升级或改变. 同样重要的是要记住,在交易结束前不要进行任何重大的金融购买. Doing so can result in the home purchase not going through.

Buying your first home is a significant undertaking, but with planning and expert guidance, it is a rewarding experience. By following these tips, 这样你就能更好地驾驭复杂的房地产市场,做出符合自己需求和财务状况的明智决定. For more information on buying your first home, talk to one of our mortgage specialists, download our free first-time homebuyer e-book, or click here to learn about mortgage options.

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